What is Retül bike fitting?

Fit4-Velo Bike Fitting Studio

Retul, the Colorado based company, have been producing market leading gold-standard bike fit technology since it’s inception in 2007. The team at Retül have backgrounds in cycling, triathlon and mountain biking. Combining this passion for cycling with their precision engineering expertise and knowledge of biomechanics and kinesiology, they have been able to develop and deliver this 3D, real time, motion capture bike fit technology to the retail market.

Retül at Fit 4

At Fit4-Physio, we are proud to be a certified Retul outlet and to offer a Retül bike fitting service, using the latest version of the Retul software. We are also the only physio-led Retul bike fitting outlet in South Yorkshire. Getting a proper precision bike fit is essential for optimal performance. Whether you are a professional cyclist, triathlete, weekend pedaler or a commuter, having a balance of power, aerodynamics and comfort is essential for performance. Being in the optimum position for you can help improve power at the pedal, prevent injury, improve your aerodynamics and increase the comfort of your bike. All of which will have a knock on effect on each other!

Adjustable Retul Stem at Fit4-Physio Bike Fit

Retül is unique

As a Retül fitter at our Sheffield bike fit studio, we use their unique state of the art software to aid analysis of your riding. Using a 3D motion Capture system, we record your movements whilst you are pedalling on the bike. The data reflects accurately how you ride your bike in a way 2D video or eyeball (visual) analysis cannot. There is strong evidence that suggests the accuracy of a 2D fit is poor and should not be relied upon – so why would you use anything other than a motion capture system?

A bike fit at Fit4-Physio in Sheffield is conducted by Richard Follett, a specialist sports physiotherapist who has worked for a number of years in elite sport and with the British Triathlon Team (including the Rio 2016 Olympics). This reflects the high standard of analysis and care you can expect.

We believe though that the Retul system is used only as a guide to help inform the process. We certainly don’t try to fit everybody to a set of pre-determined data range. Each and every rider is assessed physically, analysed visually and then checked against the Retul bike fit data to build a complete picture. Rider history and goals or objectives are taken into account for a truly unique and personalised bike fitting experience.

Click here for more on what happens at a bike fit at Fit4-Physio

Who is using it?

Retül is the official bike fit technology specialist used by British Cycling, Team Sky, Orica-GreenEdge, Quick-Step Floors, Team Dimension Data for Qhubeka, 4-72 Colombia, USA Triathlon and Medicine of Cycling, as well as by numerous world-class triathletes including Ironman / 70.3 World Champions Craig Alexander, Tim Don and Leanda Cave.

Want to know more about what happens at an appointment? Read our blog post here

Have a look at the top 5 reasons to have your bike fitted here

Want a chat? Call Richard on 07938 680320 or pop into the studio.